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Property Tax

Increase to City of Holladay's Property Tax Rate

The Holladay City Council approved an increase to the Holladay property tax levy on August 17, 2021. The increase will help repair neighborhood roads, address millions of dollars of unfunded project needs, and maintain critical police, fire, emergency response, and public works services. (See Map of 2022 Proposed Neighborhood Roads Overlay Repairs)


For a home with an estimated market value of $700,000, the 50% increase to Holladay's property tax levy would equal about a 5% increase to the total property tax bill, $17/month, or $204/year.



  • Salt Lake County Tax Relief Programs: Learn more about the eligibility requirements and application process from the Salt Lake County Treasurer's Office. Call 385-468-8300 or click here for more information. Deadline September 1, 2021.

  • Did you know? Holladay's total property tax revenue does not grow with property values or inflation. Click here to learn more about the relationship between assessed fair market value and property taxes.




As a young city, Holladay has come a long way since its official incorporation just over 20 years ago. And, as one of the oldest communities in the Salt Lake Valley, key parts of what makes Holladay work – our roads, storm drains, curbs & gutters – are aged and in disrepair. These needs are urgent. We must decide how to move forward strategically to ensure our quality of life and current levels of service in our beautiful City can continue.


Recognizing these challenges, the Holladay City Council asked 8 residents of the City - known as the Holladay@20 Citizen Advisory Group - to study the budget, the long- and short-term improvement needs of Holladay, and recommend how to fund them on a fiscally sound basis.


The Citizen Advisory Group worked together for over a year, and after an in-depth study of the issues, the Group made their recommendations to the City Council in May 2020.  In order to fund Holladay’s unmet project needs, the Group unanimously recommended the adoption of a new storm water utility fee, a prudent property tax increase and the pursuit of bonding for large projects.  It was the judgment of the Citizens Advisory Group that all three approaches will be required to meet the needs of our city.


The City Council will consider the Group’s recommendation for a property tax increase as part of Holladay's fiscal year 2021-2022 annual budget process. The Council will seek and welcome feedback from our residents as we weigh this critical decision together. The City will provide several opportunities for public input beginning in Winter 2020 through Summer 2021 - details on events, public hearings, and other offerings will be promoted across all City communication platforms - the newsletter, social media, email distribution list, website and more.


To help kickoff the 8-month process, the City Council has prepared a video series that explains the City's project needs, budget challenges, funding tools, and basics of property taxes.


See the Holladay City Council District Map to identify the City Council member that represents you.

























Available videos:


More Information from the City Council's Public Process:​​​


More Information from the Citizen Advisory Group's Process:


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City of Holladay

4580 South 2300 East

Holladay, Utah 84117


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